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Introducing Radashi

A new frontier in TypeScript utility libraries.

Welcome to Radashi! We’re here to make your development life easier with a collection of super handy functions designed for modern JavaScript and TypeScript developers. Think of Radashi as a friendly toolbelt that’s all about simplicity, customization, and community.

Key Features

✨ Built for TypeScript

Radashi is made with TypeScript at its core. This means our functions not only help you write better code but also catch errors early, making your development smoother and more reliable.


Below is our castArray implementation. If you can read our CastArray<T> type, you’re officially a TypeScript nerd. But good news, we wrote it so you don’t have to!

export function castArray<T>(value: T): CastArray<T>
export function castArray(value: unknown): unknown {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice() : [value]
export type CastArray<T> = [T] extends [never]
? never[]
: [unknown] extends [T]
? unknown[]
| (T extends any
? T extends readonly (infer U)[]
? U[]
: never
: never)
| (Exclude<T, readonly any[]> extends never
? never
: Exclude<T, readonly any[]>[])

Our chain function also has a gnarly type definition. As you can see, there’s a lot we can do to make your life with TypeScript easier.

export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3
): (...arg: T1) => T3
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4
): (...arg: T1) => T4
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5
): (...arg: T1) => T5
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6
): (...arg: T1) => T6
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6,
f6: (arg: T3) => T7
): (...arg: T1) => T7
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6,
f6: (arg: T3) => T7,
f7: (arg: T3) => T8
): (...arg: T1) => T8
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6,
f6: (arg: T3) => T7,
f7: (arg: T3) => T8,
f8: (arg: T3) => T9
): (...arg: T1) => T9
export function chain<T1 extends any[], T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6,
f6: (arg: T3) => T7,
f7: (arg: T3) => T8,
f8: (arg: T3) => T9,
f9: (arg: T3) => T10
): (...arg: T1) => T10
export function chain<
T1 extends any[],
f1: (...arg: T1) => T2,
f2: (arg: T2) => T3,
f3: (arg: T3) => T4,
f4: (arg: T3) => T5,
f5: (arg: T3) => T6,
f6: (arg: T3) => T7,
f7: (arg: T3) => T8,
f8: (arg: T3) => T9,
f9: (arg: T3) => T10,
f10: (arg: T3) => T11
): (...arg: T1) => T11
export function chain(...funcs: ((...args: any[]) => any)[]) {
return (...args: any[]) => {
return funcs.slice(1).reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), funcs[0](...args))

🎯 Smart Function Choices

We pick our functions based on real needs and popular use cases. Our goal is to give you just what you need without the extra fluff, keeping everything straightforward and understandable.


Use select to create an array by filtering and mapping another array’s items.

import { select } from 'radashi'
// Example: Filtering and transforming a list of products
const products = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Laptop', price: 1000, inStock: true },
{ id: 2, name: 'Phone', price: 800, inStock: false },
{ id: 3, name: 'Tablet', price: 500, inStock: true },
{ id: 4, name: 'Headphones', price: 100, inStock: true },
// Map to a new object with the name and price.
// Filter out products that are not in stock or are too expensive.
const affordableInStockProducts = select(
product => ({ name:, price: product.price }),
product => product.inStock && product.price < 600
// => [{ name: 'Tablet', price: 500 }, { name: 'Headphones', price: 100 }]

Use objectify to create an object from an array.

import { objectify } from 'radashi'
// A list of employees with their IDs and salaries
const employees = [
{ id: 101, name: 'Alice', salary: 75000 },
{ id: 102, name: 'Bob', salary: 82000 },
{ id: 103, name: 'Charlie', salary: 68000 },
// Create a dictionary of employee salaries by their ID
const salariesById = objectify(
employee =>,
employee => employee.salary
// => { 101: 75000, 102: 82000, 103: 68000 }
// Quickly look up an employee's salary
console.log(`Bob's salary: $${salariesById[102]}`)
// Logs "Bob's salary: $82000"

Use defer for co-location of cleanup logic with resource creation.

import { defer } from 'radashi'
async function runDatabaseMigration() {
await defer(async cleanup => {
const tempTable = await createTempTable()
cleanup(async () => dropTable(tempTable))
const backupFile = await backupExistingData()
cleanup(async () => deleteFile(backupFile))
try {
await migrateData(tempTable)
await swapTables(tempTable, 'production_table')
} catch (error) {
console.error('Migration failed:', error)
throw error
console.log('Migration completed successfully')

🪶 Lightweight and Efficient

We keep things simple to ensure your projects stay light and fast. Radashi is fully tree-shakeable, so you only include the functions you use. This means no unnecessary bulk in your code.


For fun, let’s compare the size of Radashi’s mapValues function to that of Lodash’s. I can assure you, this massive difference is not uncommon.

export function mapValues(obj, mapFunc) {
const keys = Object.keys(obj)
return keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = mapFunc(obj[key], key)
return acc
}, {})

This is the mapValues function from Lodash. The bundle size clocks in at 16.6 kB minified. Obviously, we all want to avoid this!

// http-url:
var freeGlobal =
typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global
var freeGlobal_default = freeGlobal
// http-url:
var freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self
var root = freeGlobal_default || freeSelf || Function('return this')()
var root_default = root
/* ~1300 Lines Later... */
// http-url:
function mapValues(object, iteratee) {
var result = {}
iteratee = baseIteratee_default(iteratee, 3)
baseForOwn_default(object, function (value, key, object2) {
baseAssignValue_default(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object2))
return result
var mapValues_default = mapValues
export { mapValues_default as mapValues }

🛠️ Easy to Customize

Want to add your own touch? You can easily extend Radashi with your own functions using our template repository. Make it yours and easily contribute your functions back to the community.

🤝 Community-Powered

Radashi thrives on contributions and new ideas. We welcome everyone to join in, share their knowledge, and help the library evolve. Our open process and regular updates keep us in tune with what developers need.

Tackling Common Problems

Radashi is here to solve some big issues in utility libraries:

  1. Central Control: We support a decentralized, community-driven approach.
  2. Customization: Easily extend Radashi with our template repository.
  3. Fragmentation: We offer a unified platform for sharing and adopting TypeScript utility functions.

Our Core Values

  • Purposeful Design: Guided by our evolving “Our Ethos” document
  • Simplicity: Keeping code light and efficient
  • Pragmatism: Focusing on what’s most useful
  • Innovation: Staying ahead of emerging needs


Radashi helps you write cleaner, more efficient code by offering a curated set of TypeScript utility functions. Customize it to fit your needs, contribute your own functions, and collaborate with a community of developers to build a better JavaScript ecosystem.

Ready to dive in? Choose your next step with Radashi: