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Our Ethos

The guiding principles of Radashi development and community

Radashi’s ethos is rooted in pragmatism, flexibility, and community-driven development. We aim to provide a modern, customizable utility library that serves the needs of TypeScript developers while maintaining simplicity and reliability. This document serves as a living guide for our development process and community interactions, subject to evolution as our project grows and adapts to the changing landscape of software development.

Core Principles

Pragmatic TypeScript Utility

Radashi is designed for TypeScript developers who appreciate utility libraries without fully embracing Functional Programming. We aim to provide a modern, TypeScript-first approach to common programming tasks, balancing practicality with advanced features.

Customization and Flexibility

At the heart of Radashi is the priority of customizability, allowing developers to tailor the library to their specific project needs. We provide tools and guidance for creating personalized versions of Radashi, empowering users to shape the library according to their unique requirements.

Minimalist Design

Radashi embraces a minimalist design philosophy. Our functions are focused, clear, and predictable, avoiding unnecessary complexity. We carefully consider each addition to the library, prioritizing readability and practical utility to ensure that every feature serves a valuable purpose.

Modern Architecture

Built with ESM and TypeScript from the ground up, Radashi leverages modern development practices. We optimize for tree-shaking to keep bundles lean and utilize cutting-edge tools like Biome and Vitest, ensuring that Radashi remains at the forefront of JavaScript development.

Robust and Reliable

We strive for perfect TypeScript support and maintain comprehensive test coverage across all functions. Performance benchmarks and browser compatibility checks are integral to our development process, ensuring that Radashi remains dependable across various environments.

Development Guidelines

Function Independence

We avoid creating internal APIs or functions not exported for client use. Dependencies between Radashi modules are minimized to maintain simplicity and ease of understanding, allowing each function to stand on its own as much as possible.

Concise Implementations

Radashi functions are designed to be concise, generally not exceeding ~20 lines of code. Complex implementations that require more extensive code may be better suited for separate packages or libraries, maintaining the library’s focus on simplicity.

Copy-Paste Friendly

Each function in Radashi is designed to be easily transferable to a user’s project with zero modifications. This approach supports quick customization and integration, allowing developers to use Radashi functions flexibly within their own codebases.

Test-Driven Development

All contributions to Radashi must include comprehensive tests, aiming for 100% line coverage. We emphasize the importance of considering edge cases carefully in test design, ensuring robust and reliable functionality across various scenarios.

Documentation First

Clear and accurate documentation is required for all new features and changes in Radashi. We prioritize clarity and grammatical correctness in our documentation, ensuring that users can easily understand and implement Radashi’s features.

Design Philosophy

Abstraction over Syntactic Sugar

Radashi functions are designed to enable common use cases that are awkward to implement in vanilla JavaScript. We avoid replicating functionality that’s already simple in standard JavaScript, focusing instead on providing valuable abstractions.

Balance Utility and Simplicity

Our functions address common use cases without overcomplicating the library. We err on the side of simplicity to avoid bloat and unused code, ensuring that Radashi remains lean and focused on essential utilities.

Performance and Readability Trade-offs

Radashi strives for a balance between performance and code brevity. We prioritize understandability to maintain a low contribution barrier and ease of customization, while still ensuring that our functions perform efficiently.

Strategic Feature Parity

We implement popular functions based on usage data, without aiming for full parity with other libraries. This approach allows us to innovate on API design while maintaining familiarity where appropriate, creating a unique and valuable utility library.

Community and Contribution

Open to Feedback and Contributions

Radashi actively seeks real-world feedback to improve reliability and performance. We value and encourage community contributions, recognizing that diverse perspectives enhance the library’s utility and robustness.

Transparent Development

We openly acknowledge areas for growth and actively work to address them. Regular updates and beta releases keep the community informed and involved, fostering an environment of open collaboration and continuous improvement.

Collaborative Decision Making

Major changes to this ethos or the library’s direction are open for community discussion. We welcome amendments and re-drafts of this document through official channels, ensuring that Radashi’s development remains aligned with the needs and values of its user community.


Amendment 0

This document is yet to be amended.