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What happened to Radash?

The catalyst behind Radashi's creation

Alec Larson Aug 23, 2024

Radash is a JavaScript utility library that modernized many of the functions found in Lodash. It brought these tools into the era of minimalism and TypeScript, which was a significant improvement for many developers.

Our team greatly appreciated Radash’s contributions and initially hoped to contribute to its ongoing development. However, in mid-2024, we noticed a concerning lack of activity in the Radash project:

  1. The creator has not responded to community inquiries since June 2023.
  2. There’s an open discussion and an issue about the project’s maintenance status, both without response.
  3. Multiple other issues and pull requests remain unaddressed.
  4. Direct email inquiries about the project’s status have gone unanswered.

Given this prolonged inactivity and lack of communication, we’ve reluctantly concluded that the Radash project is no longer being actively maintained. While we would have preferred to contribute to Radash directly, the current situation makes this impossible.

As a result, we believe that further progress requires the formation of a new community and the creation of a new repository. This decision wasn’t made lightly, but we feel it’s necessary to ensure the continued development and improvement of these essential tools for the TypeScript ecosystem.

We hope to bring on more maintainers to ensure Radashi never goes unmaintained. If this is something you’re interested in, please reach out to us. We also plan to develop tooling, like our template repository and our VS Code extension, for the Radashi community to collaborate without gate-keepers.

Since the creation of Radashi, we’ve been working on improving the codebase we’ve inherited in every fashion. This means, even if Radash were to be maintained again, Radashi would still be superior. If you’re interested in how we’re bringing Radash to the next level, read our comparison post.

Radashi aims to be more than just a library. We envision it as a common ground of unfettered collaboration, united by shared values and empowered by innovative tooling. Our goal is to nurture a diverse community, maintained not by one person’s whims, but by all who believe in our mission and can contribute their time and expertise.

Every little bit of help moves Radashi forward. Every opinion shapes our direction. Every bug report refines our code. Every pull request builds our foundation. Together, these contributions propel Radashi towards becoming the best TypeScript utility library that has ever existed - a true testament to the power of collective effort and shared purpose.

To end this post, I would like to thank Ray Epps for the creation of Radash. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to create Radashi. If he were to return, we would be happy to collaborate with him.