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Run an async function retrying if it fails

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The _.retry function allows you to run an async function and automagically retry it if it fails. Given the async func to run, an optional max number of retries (r), and an optional milliseconds to delay between retries (d), the given async function will be called, retrying r many times, and waiting d milliseconds between retries.

The times option defaults to 3. The delay option (defaults to null) can specify milliseconds to sleep between attempts.

The backoff option is like delay but uses a function to sleep — makes for easy exponential backoff.

import * as _ from 'radashi'
await _.retry({}, api.users.list)
await _.retry({ times: 10 }, api.users.list)
await _.retry({ times: 2, delay: 1000 }, api.users.list)
// exponential backoff
await _.retry({ backoff: i => 10 ** i }, api.users.list)