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Memoize a function

307 bytes


Wrap a function with memo to get a function back that automagically returns values that have already been calculated.

import * as _ from 'radashi'
const timestamp = _.memo(() =>
const now = timestamp()
const later = timestamp()
now === later // => true


You can optionally pass a ttl (time to live) that will expire memoized results. In versions prior to version 10, ttl had a value of 300 milliseconds if not specified.

import * as _ from 'radashi'
const timestamp = _.memo(() =>, {
ttl: 1000, // milliseconds
const now = timestamp()
const later = timestamp()
await _.sleep(2000)
const muchLater = timestamp()
now === later // => true
now === muchLater // => false

Key Function

You can optionally customize how values are stored when memoized.

const timestamp = _.memo(
({ group }: { group: string }) => {
const ts =
return `${ts}::${group}`
key: ({ group }: { group: string }) => group,
const now = timestamp({ group: 'alpha' })
const later = timestamp({ group: 'alpha' })
const beta = timestamp({ group: 'beta' })
now === later // => true
beta === now // => false